A web application for sharing what's heathy for you right now.
In our first collaboration, we set out to develop a digital product to collect knowledge through community interaction. We designed and developed the ffflourish web application internally and launched the product in early 2011. We gathered some initial user success and had a lot of fun interacting with like-minded people.
To our surprise and delight, ffflouish was recognized and published in the German architecture periodical,
ArcGuide (2012), Issue 34, “Thema: Architectur als Therapie”. www.arcguide.de.
ffflourish(.com) is a fun little website that lets you share “what’s healthy for you.” Kind of like a Twitter for health, your subjective answers to the question, “What are you doing right now that’s healthy for you,” can serve as a motivational diary for you and friends to focus on the positive.